
the adventures coho smith march 2024 w

The Friends of Chandor Gardens meeting held Wednesday, March 20 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM in the Great Room at Chandor Gardens featured guest speaker, Bill Warren, presenting "The Adventures of Coho Smith" 

Coho Smith (1826–1914) was a farmer, artist, author, merchant, freighter, carpenter, gunsmith, teacher, and Texas Ranger, who made Parker County his home. 

 focg meeting darlene bill march2024

Darlene Chapman presenting Bill Warren with a Thank-you gift for being the guest speaker

focg meeting kathy ann march2024

Kathy Siler was the lucky winner of the door prize (2 tickets to Theater Off The Square) with Ann Geer the Hospitality Chair of the Friends
Thank you to TOTS for sponsoring the monthly door prize.